DJ Sue's World of Music... 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and Beyond!
DJ Sue
Welcome to my blog. I’m a DJ in Second Life and I find myself discussing the music I’m playing with many of those in attendance at my shows. Unfortunately, when I am busy DJing, I can’t participate and discuss the music as fully as I would like. I’m hoping this blog can help change that. Look here before my set to see if I might be playing something interesting today or maybe after to see if discussion on a topic might continue. You are invited to join in the conversation and leave comments.
A Woman’s Touch is twelve years old!I challenge any of you to show me five places
in Second Life that have been in continuous operation for twelve years, not
counting places run by Linden Labs.Twelve years is unprecedented and amazing.AWT has had a long and rather interesting
history covering what could be called four generations of a Woman’s Touch in
Second Life.We will take a look at all
four but first, what if I were to tell you that AWT is really more like
fourteen years old?AWT existed for a
couple of years prior to coming to SL.We will therefore start our history in these early, pre SL years, which
I will call “Generation Zero.”
AWT banner from the Sims Online
Generation Zero
AWT has been on Second Life for twelve years but it
didn’t start here.It originally started
on the Sims Online (TSO).This online
community was quite primitive when compared with Second Life, but at the heart
were women chatting, visiting and becoming friends.There were many of the same problems we see
in SL still today, like men harassing women or just being plain annoying,
always trawling for dates.Women could
go to lesbian clubs in the Sims Online but those often had more of a negative
attitude towards men than a positive one towards women, and often they were
rather political.AWT offered an
alternative.It was a place where women
could relax and just be themselves together.AWT soon became one of the most popular places in the Sims Online.
The Sims Online HUD
Ashra and Kiee were together as a couple and were cyber
married in the old TOS platform.In
fact, weddings have always been a big part of AWT up to this day and they
started in the Sims Online as can be seen by this early screen capture.(see below)Here, Ashra is performing a wedding before AWT existed in SL.
Early AWT Wedding on TSO
So Ashra and Kiee, along with daughter Pebbles, were a
family unit in the old TSO platform.Pebbles tried out this new thing called Second Life and got Kiee to join
her there one day in the summer of 2006.Soon they were telling Ashra all about it and talked her reluctantly
into trying it out.Soon, Ashra was
securing a parcel of land in SL on the mainland and AWT proceeded to move its
operation to the new and more versatile platform.
AWT Generation One
Generation One
The parcel was only about 1/8 the size of the current AWT
or about the size of a quarter sim.It
wasn’t big by our standards today but it was a start.It was also on the mainland so we had
neighbors adjoining us.Eventually, AWT
was up and running in Second Life.It
attracted many women early on and soon there were DJ events, contests and much
more but it never moved away from its original concept, a place where women
could relax and just be themselves together.
AWT Manager, Kamille, enjoys the dance floor
The place continually evolved but it was clear that in
order to continue to grow that a new location would be necessary.SL offered single regions as private islands
and AWT could finally get the access control to better meet its needs.People who chose to harass residents could
now be banned not only from the parcel, they could not even get close to the
region.Ashra opened her pocketbook and
the deal was struck with Linden Labs in August of 2008, around the time of our
second Anniversary in SL.
AWT Generation Two
Generation Two
With the new private island, came a new group to control
the functions on that land.The original
group was simply called “A Woman’s Touch.”Now we had “A Woman’s Touch Islands.”
There was always a dance floor at AWT but in these early
days the campfire area was a close rival, as many of the women preferred to
congregate there.We even had a tag for
those girls, “AWT Campfire Girl.”I
know, for those of us over a certain age, we want to sing, “Sing around the
campfire; join the Campfire Girls.”
Halloween 2008
AWT began to grow on our new private island and took on a
tropical theme almost immediately.Our
very first dance floor was glass and extended from the beach over the water, as
is shown in the picture above from the Halloween Party in 2008.
In March of 2009, a second adjacent sim was added to
AWT.The first sim had been named “A
Woman’s Touch,” but a separate name was needed for the second sim.It was Kiee that named it “Park Place.”This new sim would be primarily residential
and women could rent a place of their own at AWT, with the same restrictions on
DJ Sue spins tunes on the dance floor
AWT had other attractions in these early days.One was the shopping mall, which used to be
closer to the middle of the sim.Another
was the volcano, which was one of the most prominent features of the
island.There was a secret entrance at
the base, if you knew where to find it, and you could enter a secluded little
private nook within the mountain.
Halloween 2009
The glass dance floor didn’t last very long and it was soon
replaced by a wooden deck that started on the beach but extended out over the
water in the same location.This version
of the club can be seen clearly in the “Generation Two” picture at the top of
this section and in the Halloween 2009 picture above.This was the club through most of Generation
Two and occupied the area where the western end of the current mall is near the
sea.That is where to club dancefloor
extended out over the water.
AWT Generation Three
Generation three
Up until now, each generation has been defined by moving
AWT to a new location.After it was set
up, it evolved over time to its basic final form.This was not true of Generation Three.AWT and Park Place remained where they were
and it was a complete revamp of the “A Woman’s Touch” sim that defined it.It is also different in that it took only a
few weeks for it to reach its basic final form.This remake was completed over Labor Day weekend in September of 2010.
You can see from the “Generation Three” picture above
that there is now a lot of black, white and fuchsia (hot pink) taking up a lot
of the middle of the sim.This ultra-modern
look was actually in style in SL back in 2010.The club can be identified by the large fuchsia canopy over the dance
floor towards the left of the picture, which is actually the same canopy from
Generation Two, just repainted.The rest
towards the center was the new, improved, and extended mall.Now that the mall overtook the area that the
club had occupied, it became necessary to move the club to its new
location.This meant that the volcano
had to go.
Another thing happened that first week in September
2010.Ashra hired a fourth and final
manager for AWT management team.In the
intervening eight years managers have left but no others have been hired.In those days, Bee Bee Brouwer was the Master
Builder and was responsible for creating the facilities and terraforming.It was her that created the new club and
mall.Harley Shippe was in charge of the
club and DJ’s.Feliciana Zabaleta (Maya
Shadowhawk) was the General Manager.
Back in that time, many sims in second life had big
issues with lag and AWT was not an exception.Those of us, who remember those days, remember having to remove our hair
(and sometimes other items of clothing) in order to teleport onto the sim.After we arrived we could put our hair back
on.Ashra hired Susan Mowadeng to be the
manager in charge of sim resources.She
oversaw things like prim counts (now land impact), scripts and server
times.It was Sue’s job to tackle the
lag issues.Things greatly improved over
the next few weeks and Sue became the fourth manager on the team.
It was about this time that AWT began being recognized in
the SL Surfing Community as a destination with great waves and a wonderful
surfing experience.It was not unusual
to find big female names in the SL surfing world, surfing at AWT.
As things were changing on the main sim, they were
changing on Park Place too.As
Generation Two came to an end, Park Place was already the primary residential
place for AWT, though there were rentals on the main sim too.The only public place to congregate on Park
Place was a coffee house but it went out of business and closed about the time
Generation Three started.
In 2011, Sue Mowadeng opened up Mowadeng’s Ranch on top
of the mountain top on Park Place and there was once again a public gathering
place on that sim.Soon, we moved our Monday
afternoon DJ shows to the Ranch.In those
early days, as you can see from the picture below, there was no saloon and the
dances were held out in the open.
Line dancing at the ranch
In 2012, the Saloon was added and named the “Midnight
Cowgirl Saloon,” which referenced both the vampire nature of the owner and the
horses with which the ranch was associated.In fact, the entire mountaintop facility was renamed the “Midnight
Cowgirl Ranch.”This also gave a home to
the Queen B’s Motorcycle Club, which started using it as a hangout.It was official; the Midnight Cowgirl was the
only Country Western Lesbian Vampire Biker Bar in Second Life!
The Queen B’s MC was founded in November of 2010 at AWT
by Robyn Barineaux (Mom), Lanie Camino (Big Sis) and Susan Mowadeng (Dirtnap).The club has hosted group rides in the past
and still has members active in SL.
The ranch also began to focus on trail rides and a bridle
path was put in in 2012.Now you could
ride a horse from the ranch to anyplace in AWT.
The Third Generation lasted six years, which today is
still half of our existence in SL and equals Generations One, Two and Four
combined.As the years went by, managers
would leave.When Harley Shippe left,
Maya took over managing the club.When
Bee left, Sue took over building and terraforming.Generation three came to an end with Ashra,
the owner, and her two managers, Maya and Sue, running the place.
AWT Generation Four
Generation Four
Generation Four was a gradual transition over about 18
months.I will start it here in my story
when the first of these major changes took place.The black, white and fuchsia club had become
dated after six years and begged to be replaced.Sue put in the current club in November of
2016 and made it look more like the tropical paradise that AWT was originally
intended to be.This made the old mall
look even more outdated and needing of an upgrade.Sue set her sights on designing one that fit
the footprint and also matched the new club seamlessly.There was also the added complication of
dealing with all of the shop renters.Finally, in November 2017, one year after the club’s completion, the new
mall was open and renters started to fill it.
2018 saw the pool area being redone so it now seamlessly
matched the club.Off sim scenery was
also added and both sims had upgrades in the area of housing.So, from November of 2016 to the spring of
2018 saw the transition to Generation Four of AWT, our current generation.One other major event happened early in 2018
that defines the transition from one generation to the next.Maya left as a manager and Ashra made Sue a
co-owner of AWT.AWT is now run by two
owners without any managers.
In April 2018, Surf Watch Magazine did an article on AWT,
once again reaffirming our reputation as a great surfing destination.
Saturday morning as the sun rises over Woodstock at AWT
In August of 2018, AWT once again had Woodstock.A number of years earlier, at the Generation
Three club, we would recreate the concert in the club.Large pictures of the real life event in
1969 would surround the dance floor.Sue
would play over 20 hours of the original concert that she had recordings for.In 2017, we had the first Woodstock with the
new club setup, which allowed for easy setup and tear down.A larger Woodstock experience was created but
it wasn’t until this year it was completed and perfected.This year, with the Generation Four club, we
created the ultimate Woodstock experience.
The AWT Anniversary
So when is our anniversary?We have historically celebrated it either in
August or September but never on an exact day.I think that is because there was never a single, one day, grand
opening.It was probably a process of
phasing out the old Sims Online as AWT was made up and running in SL.People needed to create accounts and move
over to Second Life.It was a process
begun in early August of 2006 and finished sometime in September.In recent years, we seem to opt for the
September celebration more to separate it from Woodstock in August but don’t
forget that we were here in some form in August of 2006.
AWT's Fourth Anniversary in our brand new Generation Two Club
Destiny Mowadeng enjoys AWT's Sixth Anniversary
Poster advertising AWT's Ninth Anniversary
In Closing
It has been an amazing 12 years and a lot has happened
and much has changed.There are many new
faces but there are still plenty of the old ones too.However, at our core we have not
changed.We are still a place where
women can relax and just be themselves together while chatting, visiting and
making friends.We are looking forward
to the next, amazing twelve years!
One of my favorite songs by Queen is ’39.I find the music
amazing but it is the lyrics that have astounded me the most.Most people fail to realize what is really
happening in the song but once I explain it, they seem profoundly affected by
the revelation of what is really happening.These conversations and explanations usually happen as the song is
playing and we can’t go back to look at lyrics already past but here I can.
The song was written by Brian May, guitarist for Queen,
and appears on their 1975 album, A Night
at the Opera.What I want to do
today is fully explain ’39.I will go through the lyrics and explain them
in detail.I will go back and compare
and finally, I will print them one last time at the end, in their entirety, so
you can see how it all fits together.
The first verse starts out with:
“In the year of '39
assembled here the Volunteers
In the days when lands were few.
Here the ship sailed out into the blue and sunny morn;
Sweetest sight ever seen.”
It seems simple.The
year is ’39 and due to crowding, there doesn’t seem to be enough land.A group of volunteers are setting sail to
colonize new lands, maybe in the new world.The verse continues:
“And the night
followed day
And the
storytellers say
That the score
brave souls inside
For many a lonely
day sailed across the milky seas
Never looked back,
never feared, never cried.”
This seems to continue on and fits well with what we
already put together of the story.We
further learn that there were 20 (a score) and they were brave.The way the storytellers are referred to gives
us the impressions that this happened in the past and was probably a historical
event of note.This verse also tells us
that it took “many a lonely day,” or a long time.In the 15th and 16th
centuries, crossing the ocean did take many days.
People follow the first verse easy enough; it is when
they hear the chorus that things stop making sense.Here is the chorus:
“Don't you hear my
call though you're many years away?
Don't you hear me
calling you?
Write your letters
in the sand
For the day I take
your hand
In the land that our
grandchildren knew.”
The first line could fit in here because these voyages
were often a few years in length; however it is stated a little strangely.It’s the last line of the chorus that really
tells the listener that they have missed something.It says, “In the land that our grandchildren knew.”Knew?Past tense?What is going on
here?The rest of the song is equally
puzzling and the listener usually gives up trying to figure it out.
The problem is that we made certain assumptions when we
listened to the first verse.We assumed
that this was a few hundred years ago and they were crossing the ocean to look
for lands in America.That is not what
is happening.This song takes place in
the future.The crowding and need for
new land is a planetary problem and the volunteers were astronauts looking for
a planet to colonize.Brian May most
obviously worded his first verse to intentionally mislead the listener.In essence, he made something of a puzzle to
figure out.The clues are in the remainder
of the song but before we look at it, let’s take another look at that first
verse.By the way, I had a little fun
misleading you with the picture up top too.
“In the year of '39
assembled here the Volunteers
In the days when lands were few.
Here the ship sailed out into the blue and sunny morn;
Sweetest sight ever seen.”
He just says the “year of ’39,” and never states a
century.We at first assumed a few
hundred years in the past, but nothing says it couldn’t be a few hundred years
ahead in time.The ship, he doesn’t say
what type, sails into the blue and sunny morn.Nothing in here that precludes the future.
“And the night
followed day
And the
storytellers say
That the score
brave souls inside
For many a lonely
day sailed across the milky seas
Never looked back,
never feared, never cried.”
Again, nothing here keeps us from believing that it could
be a future trip into space, instead of a past voyage sailing across the sea.There is even one phrase used, “sailed across
the milky sea,” that may even be more appropriate for a space voyage. In antiquity, man looked up to the night sky,
observed and named the Milky Way.All of
the stars of our own galaxy in the sky give the impression of a wide strip of
milk, the “milky seas.”Also,
interstellar travel would take a long time, many years.
Before I explain the rest of the song, I need to discuss
some geeky stuff, but I promise to keep simple.It is important to understanding this song.
One consequence of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity is
time dilation.In simple terms, if an
astronaut leaves the earth and travels at a very high rate of speed through
space, when he returns he might only have experienced a few months or a year but
for everyone that remained here on earth, 50 or 100 years might have
passed.The faster the speed, the
greater the time differences will be.
We have proven this with atomic clocks on the space
shuttle and on earth.A clock on the
shuttle will be a bit slower after a return to earth than one that remained here,
because the one on the shuttle was moving at a faster speed.These speeds, the fastest we can achieve for
now, are only creating time differences of a fraction of a second.Our most traveled astronauts have gain less
than a second to their lives compared to ours.But if we were to travel to the stars looking for a planet to colonize,
great speeds would be required that could cause a time dilation of 100 years of
earth time for every 1 (one) year of time on that space ship.
One other thing that I think is safe to assume is that
our traveler who is singing the song, was married and left behind a wife and
kids.This is implied when he
contemplates the “lands that our grandchildren knew.”
Now, let’s look at the chorus one more time:
“Don't you hear my
call though you're many years away?
Don't you hear me
calling you?
Write your letters
in the sand
For the day I take
your hand
In the land that our
grandchildren knew.”
Now, “Don’t you hear my call though you’re many years
away,” makes a lot more sense.Here I
must address something that does bother me and it becomes even more apparent as
the song progresses, though it is hinted here.It seems that our traveler was blindsided by this fact and he never
considered the time dilation issue.I
find that puzzling.He goes on assuming
that she writes him letters “in the sand,” which might be the sands of time or
maybe just a little something that was their thing.Now those sands are their homeland that their
grandchildren knew.The past tense
implies that so much time passed on earth that his grandchildren are already
dead.Yet, he seemed to be looking
forward to holding her hand again upon his return.
Second verse:
“In the year of '39
came a ship in from the blue;
The volunteers came
home that day
And they bring good
news of a world so newly born
Though their hearts
so heavily weigh.
For the Earth is
old and grey, little darling we'll away
But my love this
cannot be.
Oh so many years
are gone though I'm older but a year;
Your mother's eyes
from your eyes cry to me.”
Again, the year is ’39 so it is 100 years later or maybe
200 years later, but they have returned and have news of a world to colonize.Now they have the realization that everyone
they knew and loved is now dead.We know
he is just now coming to terms with this and is making the realization because
he says, “But my love this cannot be.”Now here is the big clue to tell anyone that had not caught on that he
is talking about time dilation. “Oh so many years are gone though I'm older but
a year.”
Now that you know what is going on, try to read the outro
without crying:
“Don't you hear my
call though you're many years away?
Don't you hear me
calling you?
All your letters in
the sand cannot heal me like your hand.
For my life
Still ahead
Pity me.”
Those have to be the most profound and emotional lyrics I
have ever heard.He has been gone for
what seems like a year to him and he has missed his wife.He can’t wait to hold her hand and heal him
from the profound misery of their separation.He now realizes that she is long dead as are his kids and grandkids.He must now live his life knowing that he
will never hold her hand again.“For my
life still ahead, pity me.”What
profound sadness.
On a side note, before Brian May joined Queen, he had
earned a degree in Physics and was working on a PhD in Astrophysics.He definitely found a way to bring his two
passions together by writing and recording a song involving space travel and
Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.On
another side note, it is not Freddie Mercury who sings this song on the album;
it is Brian May.
Here are the lyrics one more time.Read through them with your new knowledge of
their meaning or stop by a Woman’s Touch this week.I will play this great song at least once
during each set this week.
“In the year of '39
assembled here the Volunteers
In the days when lands were few.
Here the ship sailed out into the blue and sunny morn;
Sweetest sight ever seen.
And the night
followed day
And the
storytellers say
That the score
brave souls inside
For many a lonely
day sailed across the milky seas
Never looked back,
never feared, never cried.”
“Don't you hear my
call though you're many years away?
Don't you hear me
calling you?
Write your letters
in the sand
For the day I take
your hand
In the land that our
grandchildren knew.”
“In the year of '39
came a ship in from the blue;
The volunteers came
home that day
And they bring good
news of a world so newly born
Though their hearts
so heavily weigh.
For the Earth is
old and grey, little darling we'll away
But my love this
cannot be.
Oh so many years
are gone though I'm older but a year;
Your mother's eyes
from your eyes cry to me.”
“Don't you hear my
call though you're many years away?
Don't you hear me
calling you?
All your letters in
the sand cannot heal me like your hand.
[This post has nothing to do with music but I had no other place to express this. Please know that this is an exception and will not be the rule. Special thanks to Second Life resident Easy Miyaki for cleaning up and enhancing the audio files. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.]
Note: I recommend you stop and listen to each sound clip before reading on.
I think most people in Second Life who know me well, know
that I was a responder to the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.I’ve rarely spoken about it here in SL and
when I did, it was never more than a few sentences about just one aspect of the
experience.This will be the first time
that I will recount that day through my own eyes to anyone in Second Life or
Real Life for that matter.You will live
that day with me and see it through my eyes and feel what I felt.
Before I do, I need to cover a few things so you
completely understand my situation.
I had become an EMT in 1984 and a MICU Paramedic in
1986.I did what you would expect a
typical EMS worker to do during the course of their work day, like car
accidents, heart attacks, falls from ladders, allergic reactions and much more.My Emergency Medical Service (EMS) career was
quite the ride prior to September 11, earning me a number of citations.Among these was a Citation of Valor that my
partner and I were awarded, along with a firefighter, for a failed rescue
attempt that put all three of our lives in jeopardy.I held children as they died, I’ve been
subpoenaed to testify in court (including a murder trial) and I’ve been hospitalized
three times myself.I mention this to
show that I already had plenty of demons that I struggled with regularly before
September 11, 2001.
That being said, it was 9/11 that was the traumatic event
that precipitated my PTSD, though the demons already within further fueled the
fire that was destroying me.I will go into details on my slip into depression and the whole thing in
the proper place in the narrative to follow.For now I just want to describe how I am today, I’m basically a hermit.If I start to get too close to someone, I
wind up pushing them out of my life.If
you were to meet me, you’d describe me as quiet and somber.I didn’t used to be like this.
In Second Life, the anonymity allows me to be my old
self.I can get close to people because
I know I can just stop logging in and escape from everyone.It is safe for me to get close to people
here.It’s like the old Sue died on
September 11, 2001 when the towers collapsed.What has replaced her is a badly hurt shell of her old self but
somewhere deep inside, the old Sue lives on.She exists in Second Life and the old “me” is the “me” you all have
gotten to know.Recently, I have had a
few situations where I was asked some blunt questions about 9/11.I learned that the anonymity would allow me
to speak of it.Why?It is the old, unhurt Sue that is talking.
I’m warning everyone that reading beyond this point may
be tough.I’m going to be graphic in
details.I’m not pulling any punches or
sugar coating any of it.You won’t
insult me if you don’t read on.I do not
want to trigger anything bad in any of you.If you want to know what really happened to me that day, read on.You have been warned.
17 Years Ago Today…
At 8:46 AM
on the morning of September
11, 2001, American Airlines Flight 11, a Boeing 767 from Boston, struck the North Tower of the World Trade Center.A few blocks up the street, units of the New
York City Fire Department (FDNY) were on the corner of Church St. and Lispenard
St. investigating an odor of gas in the street.A Battalion Chief and a responding unit (Engine 6) called to the dispatcher
to report what they had witnessed.
The following sound clip is taken from the master tape
recorded that morning in Manhattan.In
it, you will hear those shocked units and Battalion Chief call-in what they are
seeing as they drop what they are doing and begin responding.You will also hear Engine 10 (Engine One-O),
whose station house is just across the street from 2 World Trade Center,
transmit a “10-60.”This is a rarely
used code telling dispatch to send an extremely large number of units to an
incident right from the get go.It is
used for incidents like a commercial airline crash or something else of
incredible magnitude.When Manhattan
Dispatch said, “10-60 has been transmitted for the World Trade Center, 10-60
for the World Trade Center,” everyone listening knew that their worst nightmare
had come true.Towards the end of the
clip, you hear Engine 10 say, “Roll every available ambulance you got to this
To put this sound clip in perspective before you hear it,
Engine 10’s burnt wreckage would eventually be found buried under 40 feet of
rubble.Their station house,
affectionately referred to as “Ten House,” would be destroyed when the South Tower
collapsed.Listen as these people head
into the jaws of the beast, not knowing what the next few horrid hours would
During that sound clip, at 8:47, Manhattan fire alarm box
8087, at the intersection of Vesey & Church Streets, was activated for 1
World Trade Center.This would begin the
largest activation of the Emergency Services Incident Command System in
history.Of course, I wasn’t aware of
any of this and I wouldn’t be listening to that radio frequency for another
30-40 minutes.
It was a warm, sunny Tuesday morning and it was my day
off.As those events transpired less
than twenty miles away, I was at home in New Jersey, in my nightie, getting
breakfast.It was just before 9:00 when
my mother called to inform me that a plane had struck one of the towers at the
World Trade Center.As I went to turn on
the TV as I continued talking to her, I pictured a small plane, like a Cessna,
crashing into one of the buildings. I quickly found myself looking at the North
Tower and a plume of black smoke on my television set.This was something bigger than a Cessna.Then, as we were watching, another plane
struck the South Tower.
At first we didn’t know what we were looking at but after
it sank in, we realized that this was an intentional attack.My mom began to weep because I think she
realized something before I did.I would
be heading there this morning.Amid her
tears she said she would be praying for me and that Jesus would protect me.Soon I hung up the phone to get dressed and
ready for the call I knew would be coming shortly.
Before I continue my story, let us go back to
Manhattan.At 9:03 in the morning United
Airlines flight 175, another 767 from Boston, struck the South Tower.The impact rained glass, debris, wreckage,
and jet fuel on the responders on the street below who had answered the alarm
for the first crash.This next sound
clip picks up the Manhattan radio channel in the moments after the second plane
crash, while I was on the phone with my mother.
Note that Marine 6 described the plane as a “large bomber
style green aircraft.”It was a
commercial jetliner but because of the paint scheme, lighting, perspective,
etc., Marine 6 was erroneously interpreting what it saw.Many responders were now looking at this
incident as a military attack.This
would soon be corrected but this is one of many examples of misinformation
among the responders.I had to deal with
many of these myself as you will see.
I’m now going to share a piece of information about
Flight 175 crashing into the South Tower that is not generally known among the
public but before I do, I need to explain the layout of the World Trade Center
back then.Most people think of the
World Trade as the two “twin Towers,” but it really was seven different
buildings.The two towers were 1 & 2
World Trade Center, with Tower 1 being the North Tower and Tower 2 being the
South Tower. The Marriot Hotel was 3 World Trade and there were seven total
I was not sure where I would share this in my narrative
but since it deals with the impact of Flight 175 with the South Tower, now
seems as good a time as any, though I would not become aware of this until the
When Flight 11 hit the North Tower, it created a gaping
hole in the side of the building and the entire plane entered the tower and the
wreckage remained there, inside.That
was not the case with Flight 175.It
passed through the South Tower and came out the other side.When watching all of the video clips of that
crash, the large fireball that erupted hides that fact from view.The remains of Flight 175 were on the ground
north of the tower, the opposite side from the impact.Much of the fuselage was on the roof of 5 WTC
and debris could be found on the surrounding streets.One of her engines was on the sidewalk
several blocks away at the intersection of Vessy and Murray.Flight 175 crashed into the south face of
Tower 2, passed through it, came out the other side and then plummeted to the
ground below.
While I’m on the subject of things the general public
never knew, I want to address the jumpers.Most every American is haunted by the images caught on camera that day
of people that chose to jump to their deaths.These pictures show individual people falling in various positions to the
ground below.The situation didn’t start
that way.Most people are not aware that
in the minutes after the crashes, people began jumping 20-30 at a time.Couples could be seen plummeting, holding
hands all the way down.I guess 20,000
gallons of burning jet fuel along with the fire and smoke is enough to make
anyone choose a few moments of peace as they fall to the ground.In many of the audio recordings from the
command center set up in the lobby, many rapid fire bangs and crashes can be
heard as jumpers landed outside.At
least one firefighter was killed by a falling jumper.
All of this was going on as I got dressed.Almost on cue, my pager went off and I was
told to report to the station and to expedite.Our station was being mobilized to the World Trade Center on mutual aid
and I was on recall.I drove to the
station and already things were getting creepy.There was practically no one on the road.I guess most people were glued to TV’s
someplace.I passed one cop by the side
of the road while doing about 75-80 miles an hour.I was expecting him to pull me over and I’d
have to show him my badge, explaining my “expedited” response.I guess he had already figured out I was on a
mission as he never pursued me.
Up to now I have been telling two stories, one about what
I was doing and the other about what was happening in downtown Manhattan.From this point forward, unless I specify
otherwise, the story will be my own.You
will experience 9/11 through my eyes and ears (and sometimes my other senses too)
and I will share my thoughts at the time.You will hear what I did as things unfolded and I will explain my
functions.The reason I’m able to share
this is my anonymity in Second Life as Susan Mowadeng.I still can’t bring myself to talk about
these things outside of that context.For this to work, I need to maintain anonymity so I will be using first
names only and those I will usually change in the narrative.I will alter other details that really don’t
change my story like maybe what street corner I was on or if a patient was a
man or a woman.Finally my unit, Rescue
133, is fictitious but similar to the actual unit I responded with.
When I got to the station, I was greeted by our Captain,
Steve, who brought me up to speed and gave me my orders. We were heading to a staging area across the
water from Lower Manhattan on the New Jersey side.The three ambulances had already left.He also told me that there were many
unaccounted for aircraft still in the air and we should be prepared for many
more attacks, including more to the New York Metropolitan area.We needed to get manpower there and be ready
for an extended stay and operation.That
is why we were bringing Rescue 133.It
wasn’t really a “rescue” in the traditional sense, though it started out that
way.On board there was a breathing air
cascade so we could fill air tanks if needed.There were a lot of supplies including oxygen bottles, medical supplies
and blankets.This might come in handy
so we were bringing it along.
In New Jersey, in many cities and municipalities, EMS
also provided the rescue function.Our
Ambulances had already left and the Captain was about to leave with the Heavy
Rescue and a full crew.There were three
firefighters at the fire station up the road that had missed all of the
apparatus there and were coming here to hitch a ride.As soon as they arrived I was to head to the
staging area in Rescue 133.Our Captain
got into the Rescue Truck and called in service.I was all alone at the station house with my
Many of us had full bunker gear because of the nature of
some of our rescues, motor vehicle accidents in particular.Bunker gear is the thick, protective, fire
proof gear that firefighters wear including pants, coat, helmet, boots, gloves
and of course, red suspenders.I quickly
kicked off my shoes and climbed into my gear.I would regret not bringing my regular shoes along with me that day.I pulled the unit onto the ramp, secured the bay
door and right on cue a car pulled in and three firefighters with their bunker
gear got out.They joined me in the cab
as I turned on all of our flashing lights and pulled out.
I picked up the radio mic…
Me: “Rescue One
Three Three is 10-8 World Trade Center Staging.”
“10-4 One Three Three, Go to County Tactical 3.”
Me: “10-4, One
Three Three switching to County Tact 3.”
Again I noted how empty the roads were.I was acquainted with the three firefighters
and we knew each other’s names.One guy,
David, was young and fresh out of the Academy.He enthusiastically asked, “Do you think we will see any action
today?”That comment hit me like a punch
in the stomach.I think the dirty looks
from his fellow firefighters was enough to intimidate him into submission and
One of them, Jim, sat in the passenger seat next to me as
I drove.Due to the nature of this unit,
we had a Bearcat scanner and could use it to tune in any frequency we wanted
and listen in on it.I had him find a
few of the Manhattan fire-ground frequencies so we could hear what was
happening.He soon found one and we
could hear what was going on.We all sat
in silence as the full gravity of what was transpiring became apparent.
I was then told to switch our frequency (the channel we
were on, not the one we were monitoring on the scanner) one more time and go to
SPEN 4 (State Police Emergency Network channel 4).When I broadcasted my unit number to let
others know I was on the channel, I was greeted by someone sounding
official.After I told him my
destination, he told me to instead head for a staging area on the Brooklyn side
of the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel.Jim had
found the Brooklyn channel on the scanner and we had been listening to it and
knew of that staging area.
I don’t know which channel we heard it on but I recall listening
to a chief on the radio.He said
something like, “Has the military scrambled jets to intercept the third inbound
plane?”There was another inbound plane
to the World Trade Center?We sat in
silence with just the radio and the occasional wail of our siren to break
it.I was scared.
We could see the plume of smoke rising into the sky the
moment we pulled out of the station.It
was getting bigger in the windshield and we could now plainly see the
buildings.If a third inbound plane were
to strike them, we would most certainly get to see it.I soon had a decision to make.Would I follow the orders of my Captain,
Steve, or would I do as directed by the unknown voice on the radio and stage by
the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel?In the end,
I went past the turn for the Goethals Bridge and did as the Captain had
None of us at this point believed that the towers would
fall.In fact, I imagined my task in the
coming days as being part of the search and recovery effort.I saw myself going through burnt out floors
looking for bodies.
As we were pulling up to staging, we could see the towers
very well.The picture below was taken
from the New Jersey side and is about what we saw.
Then the unthinkable happened.The South Tower collapsed.Did the third inbound plane finally hit?I stopped 133 as I watched it collapse.I stayed stopped in the road, not moving as
we watched the dust flow out from between the buildings along the Hudson
River.This picture taken from the New
Jersey side shows what we saw through our windshield.
I’m not sure how long I sat there stopped in the road but
I just couldn’t process the sights I was seeing or what I was hearing on the
Bearcat.Here is a sound clip of the
Manhattan channel immediately after the collapse as I sat there.In it, you will hear Manhattan Dispatch
repeatedly try to call Field Com.Field
Com is the command center located at the World Trade Center.He calls over and over again, “Manhattan to
Field Com.” …NO ONE ANSWERS!
At some point, I came back from where I had gone to hide
in my head and I began to drive again.It was early and not many units had arrived.I still found an out of the way place to park
as we were not an ambulance and wanted to stay out of the way.I shut the unit down completely and as we got
out, several firefighters came up to us and they seemed to know my three
passengers.It seemed that even though
they weren’t authorized, they were going to head in to Manhattan and see if
they could help.After all it seemed
like things had come apart in the city.They looked to me hoping that I would release them.I told them to go ahead.The firefighters ran off leaving me alone to
contemplate the sight over the river.
I had seen where
our other units were parked and began heading over.My hand held radio was tuned into SPEN-4 but
I could hear the Manhattan frequency coming out of the PA speakers of some of
the trucks.This was typical on a
fire-ground scene.Manhattan was still
trying to raise Field Com and it was all so surreal.Then I heard a civilian scream into the
radio, in a panic and I was shocked back into reality.My blood ran cold when I heard the terror in
their voice.
The sound clip below starts with Manhattan still trying
to raise Field Com.You then hear the
woman, trapped in the fire truck buried beneath the collapsed tower.It continues with Manhattan’s continuing saga
of trying to raise Field Com.Finally he
tries to call any chief, then any unit.He finally settles for an EMS officer who took shelter from the dust
cloud in the cab of Ladder 15.He orders
him to go out into the scene and locate any chief (anyone with a white hat) and
bring him to the radio.
Wreckage of Ladder 15
A side note on Ladder 15 where the EMS officer was hiding
from the dust but answered the working radio.The entire crew of Ladder 15 had just been killed in that collapse.They were the only fire company known to have
made it up to the 78th floor and the impact zone.They were credited with saving many lives
that morning.
I thought I had just heard the final death throes of
someone trapped below the building rubble and that they would probably
die.The reality and the horrors were
beginning to really sink in.I was now
certain that when I watched the tower collapse that I was watching people I
knew and cared about die.I just wasn’t
sure exactly who at that point.
I walked up to the Captain and I called him by his first
name now, “Steve.”I asked him about the
third inbound plane and he seemed puzzled.He knew nothing of a third plane.(We would later learn that the report of a third plane was an
error.)He did tell me that the Pentagon
was hit by a plane.I was so in shock
that it didn’t even register.A few days
later I would hear something about the Pentagon and say to myself, “Yes, I did
hear about that.Funny I haven’t thought
of it again until now.”I learned that U.S.
Airspace was now completely shut down and every plane has been forced to land,
however there were still 33 unaccounted for aircraft so there would probably be
more attacks.
The radio, and I must assume the fire scene, were
complete pandemonium. With the loss of Field Com, we were essentially
decapitated.I can’t think of any more
dangerous a situation that can be imagined in this field than an emergency
scene of this magnitude and no one in charge.Everybody was on the radio, stepping on each other so most transmissions
were not getting through.Maydays were
not heard.I learned that we had started
the day with two strikes against us in the communications realm before any of
this.When Flight 11 hit the North
Tower, it severed the electrical power to the roof.On the roof of the North Tower were what were
called “repeaters.”They would pick up
the weak signals from let’s say a handheld and then rebroadcast it with a
powerful signal.This way, a hand radio
in a steel and concrete skyscraper could be heard by a chief miles away.That was gone.As a matter of fact, the radios of many of
the responding units were still trying to find those repeaters but unable
to.They were not heard either.The FDNY was forced to “old-school” it that
morning in regards to communications.
The second strike was that the Emergency Command Center
on the 23rd floor of 7 WTC was never activated the morning of
September 11, 2001.This room was
designed for just the large scale emergency response like we had that day.The room was not normally manned but would be
activated in the event of a large, city-wide, emergency response.It was designed to fix much of the problems we
were experiencing.It was obvious that
it had not been activated due to the vicinity of the attacks and for all we
knew, the situation room may no longer have been operational, much like the radio
repeaters.In the following weeks I’d
learn that it was not activated because of the threat of the third inbound
aircraft that never was.It turned out
that it was a good thing anyway.I was
at the World Trade Center later that day when 7 WTC collapsed (47 stories), the
fourth World Trade Center building to fall that day. (It was preceded by 2 WTC,
1 WTC and 3 WTC.)
When I reported to the manpower pool, I not only had to
give my name and other info, they wanted all of my certifications and specialty
trainings.I had never been asked for
this in the couple of mass incidents I had been to in the past.I had my MICU (Paramedic) and the three certifications
all emergency responders in NJ were required to have, Hazardous Materials Level
I, Confined Space Level I and ICS (Incident Command System) 100.In addition to this, as a Lieutenant, I also
had ICS 200.I then went through my
litany of other specialties and certifications including Pre-Hospital Trauma
Life Support, Confined Space Level II (Technical Rescue), Trench Rescue,
Building Collapse, etc.I was not yet
assigned to the Heavy Rescue but I had been hanging out with the guys and
taking courses whenever I could.However, it wasn’t any of those that caught the attention of the staging
officer.It was one last one that I
threw in as an afterthought when I remembered it.“Oh yeah, I’m also a certified Air Unit
I know what you are thinking, “I didn’t know you were a
pilot.”I’m not!In this usage of the term we mean that I
could fill air pack bottles on fire ground scenes.The Staging Officer raised an eyebrow at me
with a look that said, “You could be useful later on.”It was one of those things.A few years previous, a few of the guys were
taking the class and they talked me into joining them. Now I feared it was not my training in
confined space, building collapse evolutions or even as a medic that would be
used at the World Trade Center.It would
be my ability to fill air tanks.
The biggest problem with being assigned to the man power
pool is that there is nothing to do, nothing to occupy your time.All you can do is contemplate what is
happening as you watch the situation unfold around you but separate from
you.I watched the plume of smoke and
dust rise into the air over our heads.Some of the dust that had blown out across the water to our location
from the tower collapse was making it hard to breathe.
The collapse of the South Tower brought us to the reality
that the North Tower could go too.I
think many of us held out hope that it would not, as we began to imagine a
world where we would tell children about how there used to be two of them.
I took out my phone to call people and let them know that
I was OK, at least for now.I was unable
to get a signal.I guessed that with the
World Trade Center dead, a portion of the cell service in the area was
gone.Also, the system was over loaded
as people repeatedly tried to contact loved ones over and over again, loved
ones that would never again answer.
I watched the plume across the river and thought about whom
I knew in Tower 2.Who did I know and
care about that was already dead.Then
the ugly truth suddenly dawned on me.This just wasn’t some tragic accident.This was murder!I was witness to
the murder of hundreds of people, a few of whom I knew and cared about.
I was there maybe 20 minutes when I was given another
news update.One of the 33 unaccounted
for aircraft could be crossed off the list.United Airlines Flight 93, a Boeing 757 from Newark had been shot down
by our fighter jets over Pennsylvania when she broke off communications, turned
around and set course for Washington D.C.Our own fighter planes were forced to shoot down our own people on a
domestic flight.Where was all of this
headed?There were now 32 unaccounted
for aircraft.I expected to relive that
horror 32 more times or worse.Could
some of those planes still hit their targets?Could any of those targets be around here?Would I see more people murdered today?Responders already died in the South Tower
collapse.I faced the reality that my
own death may be imminent before this was all over.
In the coming days, I would learn the truth about Flight
93 and the heroic efforts of the passengers but for now I had to live with the
reality that our own fighter planes were shooting down our own passenger
airliners.I doubt there was anything on
the safety card in the seat pocket covering that one.Years later I would learn a further truth
about that incident. Fighters were scrambled to intercept Flight 93 that
morning but there was just one problem.They were not armed and had no way to shoot it down.They had just been given the order to do what
was necessary to stop the plane from reaching its target. The pilots knew what
that meant. They would need to crash their own plane(s) into the jet to bring
it down.As they were readying to take
action, Flight 93 nosedived into the ground.This saved these pilots the horror of their last moments on earth,
bearing the guilt of killing so many Americans.It was the fact that jets were scrambled, coupled with a report of the
airliner being down that lead to the erroneous report.
Here is a sad truth of that day.We had so much wrong, twisted and partially
true information but none of us saw the big picture or what was going on.We didn’t have all of the information the
general public had by watching the reports on television.The truth was that a school child in
Tulsa, who was home sick watching TV, had a better picture and knew more about
what was happening than we did.
There was more news.Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, had put the military on Force
Protection Condition Delta, the highest alert level.At NORAD’s Cheyenne Mountain facility, they
began the process of closing the 25 ton steel blast doors, capable of
withstanding a direct hit by a nuclear weapon.The doors had closed during trainings and drills but this was the first
time in their 43 year history that they were closed in anticipation of an
attack.The country was at war and many
more would die.
The unthinkable was no longer unthinkable.In a way, it had to happen.I heard a woman scream and I turned around,
looking back over the water to Lower Manhattan.I saw the North Tower start to fall.It was eerie but at first it was silent as it took the sound a moment to
reach us.The sound cannot be
described.Then I felt the ground begin
to shake.I guess sitting in the vehicle
for the first one, I was largely isolated from those sensations but this time I
got to witness it without the truck to block out any of it.Then we heard from a radio at the scene of
the World Trade Center….“Major
collapse!Major collapse!”
Here is a sound
clip of the Manhattan radio channel after the second tower came down.
There were many recurring themes that morning but one
that would strike at me through time was “Tragic Irony.”The first of these was that the Emergency
Command Center in 7 WTC was rendered useless and never used for the one event
it was specifically designed for.I now
was faced with the next one.I had
already mentioned that even though I was not yet assigned to the Heavy Rescue,
I had begun taking classes and training with them.This included several programs on building
collapse and rescue.These were administered
by Chief Ray Downey of the FDNY.He was
considered the world’s leading expert on the subject and I’ve considered myself
blessed to have learned from him.After
the bombing of the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City in 1995, Chief Downey was
immediately flown to the site to direct the search, rescue and recovery
operation.He literally wrote the book
on heavy rescue, his book, The Recue
Company.I didn’t know him well but
he was an acquaintance.He signed my
copy of his book.
“To Susan, Best wishes and continued success in your
career in the Rescue Services. Ray Downey”
Now for the irony.He was in the lobby of the North Tower that had just fallen.I had just witnessed the man who taught me
everything I knew about building collapse crushed to death in the world’s
largest building collapse.I was never
much of a fan of irony.Chief Downey was
murdered with the rest.
The one thing that was hardest for me was being
helpless.I was sitting there with
nothing to do.People needed help,
people were dying, there was chaos everywhere and my job was to sit there and
do nothing, just be part of the manpower pool.It was unbearable.I was so
helpless to do anything.Soon my
helplessness had no place to go so it festered and became hopelessness.Nearby, a State Trooper sat in the grass and
wept openly.I walked over and put my
hand on his shoulder.Comforting him was
the only thing I could do to make anything better.
People began to appear on the opposite side of the river,
looking like refugees.Most people who
worked in the city had gotten there using public transportation, which was no
longer running.Some may have had cars
but they might have been damaged or the roads impassable.People were stranded on Manhattan and had no
way to get off.Many of them were in bad
need of attention.Boats began to swarm
into the area and started heading for Manhattan.There were all sorts of boats from large
ferries, to tourist cruise lines, to tug boats and plenty of privately owned
The Coast Guard, realizing what was happening swung into
action and led what has become known as “The Manhattan Boat Lift.”As the boats loaded up, they started heading
over this way.They were bringing them
here to New Jersey.All these people
seeking safety on our side of the river and many would need medical care.I will soon have plenty to keep me occupied
and I would no longer sit there helpless.The mountain was coming to Mahomet.
Medical personnel were being assigned jobs and ambulances
were put on standby.People were
assigned to triage and various other tasks, yet I remained there without a job,
without purpose.Of course, EMS
personnel were numerous but I bet no one else here was an Air Unit
Operator.I remained in reserve.All I could do was sit there, looking across
the water at the plume.Now, if that
didn’t make me feel helpless, I could turn around and watch the “refugees”
processed and triaged.As they stood in
line, I could see the pain and anguish on their faces, yet I couldn’t help
them.I turned around to look back at
the plume.
I so badly wanted to be given a task so I wasn’t
helpless.Be careful what you wish for,
you might just get it.A new piece of
news was shared with us.Both planes had
been loaded with biological weapons, probably Anthrax.We needed to decontaminate all passengers
arriving from Manhattan.We would need
to set up a decon station with warm, hot and cool zones.We were told these orders were directly from
the President of the United States.There was just one problem.Well,
there were many problems but there was one that was going to affect me.You needed at least one HAZMAT Level III to
oversee it and several HAZMAT Level II’s to run it.We didn’t have that.When push came to shove, the officer in
charge of the decon unit looked over the credentials of the people in the man
power pool and picked me and one other.The Staging Officer just lost his Air Unit Operator.It was thought that with my Confined Space
Level II that I was a good candidate to be sealed into a Type I Level A
Biohazard suit without being worried that I’d lose my shit due to
claustrophobia.It was a hot, sunny
day.I was not looking forward to this.
There was a lot to set up and I wasn’t slated to take the
first shift, so I decided to go over to the triage area and see if I couldn’t
help with the processing of Anthrax infected refugees.Those assigned the job of triage were doing a
spectacular job.There was one problem
that I soon noticed.They would
sometimes get a patient off one of the boats that needed immediate help.I began to make that my mission.I treated maybe a dozen patients like that
but I will tell you of three that have stuck out in my memory over the last
seventeen years, Jack, Tom and Mary.
When I first saw Jack, I could tell he was in severe pain
as he walked towards us.I then noticed
that he had made a makeshift sling for his arm from his suitcoat.He was covered from head to toe in grey dust
and almost made him look like a black and white picture.I walked up to him and I could see his lower
arm was angulated and bleeding.I helped
him off to the side and sat him down.He
was fairly coherent and he told me his story as I exposed his injured arm with
my scissors.He has been running as the
South Tower collapsed, trying to get away from the oncoming cloud of dust.He was looking back at the cloud as he was
running down the street. He tripped at full run over a curb and snapped both
bones in his lower arm.He knew that
getting an ambulance for his broken arm was not happening in Downtown Manhattan
so he did what he could and he headed in the direction of the exodus.
I didn’t have much to work with so I used a bottle of
plain water (not sterile) and rinsed the arm.I gave him the rest to drink, which he did voraciously.It seemed that the bones had ripped the skin
but poked back in.I ran to get some
supplies, including a case of water, and returned.I dressed the wound and splinted the arm
using a magazine.I finished off with a
proper sling using a triangular bandage.
I next needed to triage him, sort him
into a category for transport to a medical facility.The tag shown to the left is a typical triage
tag, like the type we were using.Another thing Recue 133 had in large supply were these tags.You can see the color bars at the bottom
(green, yellow, red and black).Those
were torn off to show how critical a patient was for transport.If left intact, green was the lowest priority
either being walking wounded or possibly not needing any care beyond transport
from the area.Next up, you could tear
the green off to make the patient yellow.These patients needed transport to the hospital but could wait and be
delayed.A broken leg might be tagged a
yellow.The green and yellow could be
removed and the red would indicate this patient needed immediate
transport.Finally, black was used for
deceased patients or those that were so gravely injured that we would not be
utilizing resources on them.I know that
sounds cruel but it was a hard reality.
I had to tag Jack.Normally, he would have been a “yellow” but considering the scope of
situation, should I really do so?Green
was often used to classify the walking wounded.This man had just walked himself from Lower Manhattan in New York
City.Was he a yellow or a green
today?I opted with my first impression,
pulled off the green portion and made him “yellow.”I entered some of his info, made a few notes,
like he had a good pulse in that arm below the break and then attached it with
the supplied string to one of the button holes of his shirt.
Before I tell Tom’s story, I want to share what was one
of the high points of the morning.One
thing that was noticed by most people was how weird it was to have no aircraft
in the air.There were 4 major airports,
several smaller airports and all sorts of sightseeing aircraft making for one
of the busiest airspaces in the world.Yet there was nothing up there on this calm sunny day… empty…. quiet.Then there was a roar followed by the cheers of
the crowd gathered there that morning as two F-15 fighter planes flew up the
Hudson River at low altitude.I can
think of no other reason for them doing this than to tell all of us on the
ground that they were there and protecting us.
I saw Tom standing in line, waiting to be processed, but
there was something about his posture and the way he carried himself that told
me he was having problems and possibly having trouble breathing.I went over to him and helped him to a nearby
spot in the shade.He was most
definitely having trouble breathing so I started assessing him.He was a tall, well-built black man but I
couldn’t tell from his skin.Every
millimeter of the man was caked with that dust that made him look light grey,
almost white.He looked more like an
animated stone statue than a human being.His suit appeared expensive and I could sense that he was generally a
well-dressed man and proud of that fact.If I had to guess, he was probably around 60 years old and despite the
heat and what he’d been through, his suitcoat remained buttoned and his tie was
high and tight on his neck.The entire
image appeared to be made of stone except for his eyes.
I reverently took off his coat and tie, folded them and
put them aside.I started to see bits of
his naturally brown skin at his neck and other exposed areas.He had been engulfed in the dust cloud and
choked on it but somehow managed to survive.He was overcome by the heat and I gave him water.First he used it to rinse dust from his dry
mouth, spitting it out.Only after he
had done that did he actually drink.Finally, he poured the remainder over his head and used it to wash his
face.He was coherent but he also had
this blank stare, a stare most of the survivors from Manhattan had, and was
slow to answer me.To properly care for
him, I needed more than I had available.I had no Lifepak (heart monitor), no IV or drugs, oxygen; I didn’t even
have a blood pressure cuff or stethoscope.Let me present his condition to you as if I were reporting it to an
Emergency Department triage nurse or doctor. Mind you I never made a report on
this patient.
Patient is male,
approximately 60 years of age.He
initially presented as being covered with a fine dust and showed signs of
difficulty breathing.The patient has
inhaled large quantities of dust from a building collapse.He reports he is having chest pains and he is
a diabetic and is way overdue for his insulin.Patient is alert and oriented as to person, place and time.Be advised, I have no access to heart
monitor, IV’s, oxygen or a blood pressure cuff. Vital signs are as follows:
pulse 124, respirations 48 and labored, BP unavailable.
I wrote a few details on his tag, and classified him
“red.” I then helped him over the red area to await transport.
The boat lift was progressing impressively.Being a student of history, I was reminded of
an event during the American Revolution when there was a reverse of this boat
lift.It was at the Battle of Long
Island in August of 1776 when Washington and his army found themselves
surrounded on Brooklyn Heights with their backs to the East River.As the sun set on August 29th, it was obvious
that they would face capture or be killed by the outnumbering British force in
the morning, the War seemed to be over. Using rowboats, John Glover, commanding
the 14th Continental Regiment, was able to secretly evacuate Washington’s army
and when the sun came up, the British found no Americans on the island.They had miraculously disappeared.Using rowboats, the 14th had evacuated 9,000
soldiers from Long Island to Manhattan in the dark without a single loss of
life.Washington and his army would
survive to fight, and eventually win, the War.
I didn’t need to go back that far in history to find an
even better example.It was 61 years earlier,
during World War II that something similar happened.At the Battle of Dunkirk in 1940, allied
forces were pushed back to the beach.The British launched a massive effort to evacuate those forces from that
beach, from the Nazis, and bring them to safety in England.Their “boat lift” consisted of thousands of
military, merchant and private vessels.In the end, 338,226 allied forces were evacuated from the beach and
saved from the Nazis.It was one of the
greatest feats of modern warfare.More
than 500,000 survivors were rescued from Manhattan during the boat lift on
9/11, a number far greater than were rescued at Dunkirk.
I only treated ten or twelve patients that day and these
are the three that stick in my mind.I
know, I’ve only told you about two.I
guess I should stop procrastinating and tell you about Mary.I wasn’t sure I would do this or even could
do this.I’m still not sure but I get to
procrastinate a moment longer as I need to tell you about someone else there
that morning first as he plays a part in the Mary story too.
A Catholic priest had showed up and was offering whatever
help he could.Some people upon finding
safety on the Jersey side took comfort by bowing their heads for a quick prayer
with the Father.Others, who had witnessed
unimaginable horrors, were also comforted by the priest, regardless if they
were Catholic or not.He served a
function and stayed out of the way.We
had passed a few friendly words that morning, introduced ourselves and he even
said a prayer that God give me the strength to face my duties that day.
I guess I can’t put it off any longer.Here is the story of Mary.Her memory is one of the biggest demons I
deal with from that day.I don’t mean to
demonize poor Mary, she was an innocent victim but my memories of my
interactions with her are now a powerful demon within me.I never knew her real name and I’ve come to
call her “Mary” because sometimes I talk to her and I needed some sort of name,
so I’ll call her “Mary” here too.Mary
still haunts my nightmares to this day.
More boats were being off loaded with survivors and
walking wounded.I soon heard the Father
calling my name.
“Sue, come here quickly, please!”
He was helping a young women and I saw as she collapsed
into his arms.The Father was a big
strong man and had no problem scooping her up and carrying her to the shade of
a nearby tree.I quickly ran over.The first thing I noticed was the blank stare
on her face.And those eyes, they didn’t
look at you, they stared through and beyond you.She was caked in that same dust, though not
quite as bad, as Tom had been.
I was finally able to figure out what was wrong but it
was nothing that I saw or heard the tipped me off.It was my nose.There was a strong odor coming from her and at
first I couldn’t figure out what it was.It took a moment but I finally broke it down.There were two strong odors and I finally
separated them in my brain.There was a
strong smell of jet fuel and then there was a smell that I knew all too well…
burnt flesh.Burnt and burning flesh is
an odor one doesn’t soon forget.It’s
acrid and permeates all that it touches.It is a haunting odor.
As I looked her over, I noticed that her blouse and much
of her clothing seemed to be gone.Holy
shit!These burns were bad and
extensive.Keeping my composure, I asked
the priest, “Father, I need a sheet, a couple of blankets and lots of water,
STAT!”I’m not even sure that the Father
knew what “STAT” meant but he flashed into action.He was rather spry for a man his age.I turned my attention to the woman with the
blank stare.
“Hi, I’m Sue. What is your name?”
No answer, just the stare and the occasional blink of the
eyes, though I soon learned that she would follow simple commands like, “Move
your fingers.”Though she was breathing
rapidly, there was no evidence that I could see of inhalation injuries.I quickly radioed for an ambulance but was
informed there were none available at the staging area, however there were a
couple in route back from local hospitals.I told them that I needed one at my location and it needed to be an
MICU.(MICU stood for Mobil Intensive
Care Unit, which means it was manned by at least one paramedic.)
I felt Mary’s pulse and it was weak and thready, barely discernible.Her body was in shock.She needed high flow oxygen by
non-rebreather mask but it was unavailable.She needed an IV with Lactated Ringers on a macro-drip but that was
unavailable.I needed to listen to her
lungs but I had no stethoscope.I needed
to monitor her blood pressure because she was in shock but I didn’t have a BP
cuff either.I was helpless to give her
the things she most needed.
Father came back amazingly fast with everything I wanted
and then some.An EMT saw my plight and
came over to help.She was no more than
22 and you could tell the day had taken its toll on her.We rinsed Mary’s body down with bottled
drinking water.The EMT, we will call
her “Julie,” reminded me that we should be using sterile water but I think she
understood that there was none and this had to be done.Much of the dust had clung to Mary’s burns
and would not rinse away but we could now see her blouse and where it was
burned away and in places still stuck (melted?) to her flesh.I cut the blouse off, careful to leave the
stuck portions, and removed her bra.She
had burns to her upper torso and both arms.We covered her with a sheet and poured more water on it so it wouldn’t
stick to the oozing burned skin.
I sat her up and gave her some water to drink and Julie quickly
chastised me.
“We can’t give a patient anything orally!”
I continued to give Mary water and she was drinking it
down fine.
“This is against protocol!” Julie said as she stood up.
I gave her a glaring look to the snot-nosed little
bitch.I guess I was just a little
stressed as the tone of my voice was not kind.I think I also resented her questioning my higher medical
authority.I tried to explain to her in
my now terse voice.
“Protocols are written assuming that we get to a patient
within a few minutes and we are going transport them within minutes to a
medical facility.”
Father then stepped over and told Julie that he needed
her help “over there.”She didn’t want
to go, but Father was a strong man and even though he didn’t pick her up, she had
no choice than to walk with him.Mary
was in shock so I folded up one blanket under her legs to help with the shock
and I used the other one to keep her warm.It was all I could do for her.
The truth was that burns like those drew fluid from the
body to the injury site causing hypovolemic shock.Furthermore, her exertion in the hot sun that
day, getting herself here probably added the that low volume.In short, that shock was the thing that most
immediately threatened her life and giving her water was the only way I had at
my disposal to combat it.Sometimes,
protocols need to be thrown out.
Looking back and to be fair to Julie, I had nothing on my
person at that moment that said I was a paramedic so she didn’t know I was a higher medical
authority.The poor thing had her world
shattered that morning like the rest of us.Her trying to get me to stick to protocol was just her way of trying to
gain some control over things from her perspective.I hold no ill feelings to her and hope she
has found a modicum of peace.
It was while I was with Mary, waiting for her ambulance
that I first noticed the soldiers.Certainly they were there to protect this scene and possibly maintain
civil order.I had to assume that their
weapons were loaded.Maybe they were
there to be sure we did our duty and prevent us from mutiny.Maybe they were there to be sure I didn’t
break any protocols by giving patients water.One soldier, standing nearby, looked like he could be no more than 22 or
25 years old.He had tears running down
his cheeks as he carried that assault rifle.Did he want his mother?Or maybe
his mother worked in one of the towers that lay in the heaping pile in Lower
Manhattan.Maybe he was just
Soon, the rig arrived to take Mary.I gave the medic a patient report and they
took it from there.I knew she would be
in good hands in the Burn Unit at St. Barnabas Medical Center in
Livingston.I will see Mary when I close
my eyes to sleep at night.Mary will
come to me in my nightmares.She still
does and I look at her as she looks through me to the horrors beyond.She is ever present and never far away from
surfacing into my conscious thoughts.And people wonder why I drink.
Thank you for making it this far.I’d like to reward you for sitting through my
story about Mary.Maybe I deserve a
break too so I’m treating both of us to a really uplifting story from
9/11.I wouldn’t learn about it until
later on but it is a story worth telling so here goes.I’m going to tell you about the fireboat, the
John J. Harvey.
The John J. Harvey was launched back in 1931 as a
fireboat with the New York City Fire Department.It had a long and very illustrious career but
in 1994, the decision was made to retire the Harvey.At that time, she still held the world record
for the largest pumping capacity of any fireboat ever built.When it was decommissioned, its radio call
sign, “Marine 2,” was not only deactivated but it was retired due to its
outstanding service record.It was
scheduled for the scrapyard but a group of private citizens, through donations,
was able to buy the Harvey and set her up at one of the piers as a museum.
She was kept in working order and sometimes she would
take groups out for tours around the city.When the Coast Guard began the boat lift on September 11, the Harvey
swung into action, picking up survivors from Manhattan to ferry them to safety.
Another fact not normally known by the general public is
that when the towers collapsed they shattered the water mains below the
street.With no water pressure in Lower
Manhattan, there was no water to fight the fires at the World Trade
Center.One of the Chiefs caught wind
that the Harvey was participating in the boat lift and radioed the old
fireboat, asking if her pumps were in were in working order.He was told that they were and the Harvey was
fully functional.The Chief told the
crew of the Harvey to drop off her passengers and head to the seawall on the
Hudson River by the Financial District.
After dropping off her passengers in New Jersey, the
Captain of the Harvey switched to the Manhattan Fire frequency.
“Marine 2 is in service to Lower Manhattan.”
It was the first time in 7 years that that radio
designation had been used.The 70 year
old girl was back in service and responding to Box 8087.When she got to the seawall, there was no
place to moor her so ropes were tied to nearby trees.Soon hose was hooked up and the Harvey
started pumping water from the Hudson River to the fire grounds several blocks
away.Although two other fireboats were
pumping, the task was just too great but with the Harvey’s tremendous capacity
added to the effort, there was now plenty of water to fight the fires at the
World Trade Center.The Harvey’s 70 year
old pumps worked for 80 hours straight (almost 3 ½ days), until water service
was restored.
The story of the Harvey doesn’t end there.A few years later she became the subject of a
children’s book.Now kids walking down
the pier to visit her can be heard yelling, “It’s Harvey the fireboat!It’s Harvey the fireboat!”
The John J. Harvey pumps water at the seawall in Lower Manhattan on Sept. 11, 2001.
So back to my story…
Those were three of maybe the dozen patients I treated
that morning.There was a lull in the
boat traffic and there still was no word on the decon unit.It was a hot sunny day and my bunker pants
were becoming quite uncomfortable.I
undid the bunker pants, slipped out of the suspenders and let them fall around
my ankles as I took a seat.(I had jeans
on underneath.)The boots were my only
shoes with me and I could feel that I was starting to get blisters.
I listened to the Manhattan radio channel and tried to
picture what was going on.The utter
chaos was astounding as various chiefs tried to reestablish some form of
command.Please understand that I
thought everyone was doing an amazing job.The dispatchers were amazing and many received commendations for their
actions that day and rightfully so.The
equipment was just not up to it and most people could only hear a fraction of
what was being transmitted.People were
stepping on each other’s radio transmissions.A chief would try to reestablish command and then lose it.A couple of times I think there was more than
one Incident Commander and their orders may have been contradictory.
It was a bit after 11:00 AM when the Captain came up to
me, told me to gather my bunker gear and come with him.I was handpicked for a special assignment and
I was going to the World Trade Center.This was it, my date with destiny.I knew that I was probably on my way to go fill up air tanks for the
rest of the day.I looked across the
water at the dust cloud hovering and the large plume of smoke rising into the
air.I then realized that air unit
operator was an impossible task on that scene.I would need to guarantee that the air I put in those tanks was
clean.There was no air over there fit
to breathe and, despite the filter on the unit, I couldn’t begin to get air of
the quality I would need to fill the tanks.Even operating an air unit would be the greatest nightmare I could
He took me over to a large diesel ambulance.There were three EMT’s that I did not know
and one paramedic from my station, Chris.All of them had their bunker gear like I did.The ambulance appeared to belong to the same
agency as the EMT’s.There was also what
appeared to be a nurse in scrubs and a guy in a polo shirt who was a doctor.I was now part of a medical strike team,
which sounds all bad ass but really is not.“Strike teams” and “task forces” were part of the Incident Command
System and referred to assembled groups of assets assigned a specific job.
The thought was that as the day progressed, the
firefighters on scene would uncover pockets of survivors that would need
medical care.This could easily overtax
the hospitals in Midtown and Lower Manhattan.The plan was for us to go over there and take some of the injured off of
their hands.I would go to the scene,
stabilize the patients and prepare them for transport.The EMT’s would load them into the ambulance
and take them a few blocks away to where the doctor and nurse were set up.Meanwhile, Chris and I would be free to go
after another and be ready to transport when the EMT’s returned with the
ambulance.As we collected patients, the
doctor and nurse with one of the EMT’s would try and secure us some room on a
ferry back to New Jersey.After we had
accrued several patients, the doctor and nurse would accompany them back to the
New Jersey side and to waiting ambulances, ready to take them to New Jersey
hospitals.Chris and I could then take
one or two more in the ambulance and back through the Holland Tunnel and
straight to a New Jersey Hospital.
No one knew what we would find and we were told we can do
as we felt best.Maybe we would come out
with 12 patients or maybe just one or two in the ambulance.For the first time that day, I felt
okay.I was now doing something.I was no longer helpless.I had a purpose.
I sat in the back with the doctor, nurse, one of the
EMT’s and Chris.The doctor looked down
at my helmet in my lap and I guess he saw my Lieutenant rocker.It was more a statement by than a
question.“I guess you are in charge.”
I looked at him and calmly, without emotion, said, “I’m
not in charge of anything.”I had barely
spoken at our briefing and nothing was said about anyone being in charge,
especially me.Then the truth sunk in
and he was right.The three EMT’s were
not officers; Chris was not an officer and the doctor and nurse were civilians.I was the only Line Officer present.I had unknowingly been made OIC (Officer in
Charge) of this mission into the gaping jaws of Hell.Shit!!!!
As we entered the Holland Tunnel, you could tell that the
doctor was very uneasy.When he spoke,
he asked a disturbing question. “Do you think I might have to amputate a limb
to free a victim from the collapse?”
I looked at his polo shirt, slacks and loafers and then
to my well-worn protective gear. “Nah, I wouldn’t worry, Doc.They’d give you a radio and have you talk me
through it.”
I could tell from his expression that I shocked the
doctor with that comment.That was never
my intent.If anything I was hoping to
reassure him that he would not be crawling amid the debris.Also, a little humor can often break tension
but now I felt bad for making that comment.In my head I knew what we were discussing was great for fiction or a
movie but not something that happened in real life.Anyway, if something like that really were to
happen, I’d just tie off the limb with a tourniquet, bang a high dose of
morphine into the patients IV and then find a tool to cut the leg quickly.A K-12 saw or Hurst O-Cutter comes to
mind.My rescue buddies would be proud
as I was starting to think like one of them.
We came out on the Manhattan side and soon arrived at our
first destination, Chelsea Piers.We
knew that EMS command in the city were trying to set up an EMS Division at
Chelsea Piers and also thought that would be a good place to leave the doctor
to find a boat.
When we arrived, the doctor and nurse took off with a
radio set to one of the EMS tactical frequencies from New Jersey.The three EMT’s had at least one radio among
them plus the one in their rig set to that frequency.Finally, I had one too.One EMT stayed with the ambulance while the
other two attempted to see if they could connect with EMS Command.Chris and I wandered about on our own.
This was the first point during the day that I
encountered something that would become far too frequent as the hours
progressed.People were coming to Lower
Manhattan and going around, “Please, I need help.I’m looking for my husband and he is not
answering his cell phone.He is about
five feet, ten inches tall with brown hair and balding.Have you seen anyone like that?”
At first I’d try to explain that I had not seen him and
only just got there but there were so many of these frantic people.Soon, I just learned to ignore the desperate
pleadings and become cold and uncaring.As the day progressed, so did the pleadings and they eventually all
started to have pictures of the person they were looking for.Later in the afternoon, one guy had a picture
of his brother.He walked up to me
showing me the picture and asking if I had seen him.He was on the 97th floor of the
North Tower.I knew that no one that
high up survived but I didn’t say that.I simply said “nope” as I slid past him.
As I wandered around Chelsea Piers, I was approached by
three men who were not looking for some poor victim and looked rather
official.They wanted to know if I was
in charge of, or with, the Mortuary Branch.Apparently, EMS command was setting up a makeshift morgue there at the
ice rink at the piers.It was a good
idea and using an ice rink as your morgue had obvious advantage.Then it dawned on me.They might be lacking in the living bodies
needed to tag and store all of the dead bodies.It seemed wise to get out of area before we were pressed into service on
morgue detail.We headed back to the
ambulance quickly after that encounter.
While I’m on the subject of mortuary and recovery of the
dead, I might as well share a few other bits that I would learn later on,
though I was never involved with this portion of the operation.While the main 9/11 morgue was on Chelsea
Piers at the ice rink, I know of two other temporary morgues closer to the World
Trade Center where bodies were stored until they could be moved to the ice
rink.One was the lobby of the American
Express building on Vessy Street.The
other was the Brooks Brothers clothing store at Church & Liberty Plaza.As a matter of fact, many partial remains or
body parts arrived at the rink not in a body bag but in a Brooks Brothers
garment bag, like a new suit.
We met up with the EMT’s and learned that EMS command was
in as much chaos as was the Fire Department operations.We got in the ambulance and drove it to
within a few blocks of the World Trade Center.We left one guy with the rig and the remaining four of us walked the
rest of the way to get to the scene.I
could now feel that I had a good set of blisters going on both feet.These boots were never designed to be worn
this long or do this much walking.For
some reason a Nancy Sinatra song was going through my head.
I’m going to take this opportunity to address two things
that we had been dealing with all day, but they were exponentially intensifying
as we approached the World Trade Center.The first was the dust and it was everywhere.It hung in the air and covered every surface.As we got closer to the actual scene of the
collapse, everything around us took on and almost uniformed light grey
color.At first, our footprints exposed
the pavement below the dust but as we got closer, they didn’t penetrate all the
way through the layer.They began to
resemble the footprints left on the moon by the astronauts.At times it was difficult to breathe.The dust coated everything giving it shades
of grey and the feeling you were in a black and white movie.
The other thing went hand in hand with the dust and it
was the smell.Since much of the smell
was the powdered concrete, plaster, asbestos and other building materials, the dust and
the smell were one and the same.But
there were other components to the smell including smoke, burning jet fuel and
many other components.The odor got
stronger as we got closer.Soon we were
able to see the collapsed towers.
You might have noticed that I have not referred to the
collapse zone as “Ground Zero.”I’m not
sure when that term came to be used by everyone in the media but we never used
that term on September 11.We simply
referred to it as the “World Trade Center” as I have done here.At the scene I learned a new term for it and
I began to use it, “the pile.”
We soon got to a place where we could truly take in the
entirety of the scene.The pile was an
awesome beast, stories tall in places.It belched smoke and fire and dwarfed anything in its vicinity.Firefighters standing near it seemed so
small.No pictures I have seen have done
justice to the amazing sight.
The odor also changed or I should say that a second odor
caught my nose.It is one known to all seasoned
responders; it was the smell death.Yes,
death has a smell.You usually don’t
notice when you cut yourself but blood has a particular odor.In great quantiles like trauma scenes, the
odor can be quite strong.All emergency
responders know that smell.Add to it
other smells like urine, bowels, brains, bile and other stuff, then you have
the smell of death.It is a unique smell
that is often present on scenes where there are lots of dead.It is unique, haunting and never forgotten.As we approached the pile, the smell of death
got stronger, the smell of thousands of dead in the pile.
I continued to walk towards the pile.I am still not sure what I intended to do but
I was drawn as a moth to a flame.At
some point I became aware of a sound.It
was a chirping like crickets but crickets don’t generally chirp in large
numbers during the day.I think I knew
what it is was when I first started hearing it but it was an easier reality to
convince myself they were crickets, far easier than accepting the reality.I finally realized what I was hearing.
The chirping was coming from the pile.It was the sound of the PASS alarms from the
firefighters in the pile.“PASS” stands
for “Personal Alert Safety System” and every firefighter that gears up to enter
a fire scene wears one on the strap of their self-contained breathing apparatus
(SCBA).The alarm is a high volume chirp
designed to alert other firefighters that one of their fellow firefighters is
in distress.They can be activated in a
few ways but one way is to remain motionless for 30 seconds.If it doesn’t detect motion for 30 seconds,
it goes off unless the firefighter moves again to silence it.They were all going off in the pile, each one
representing a dead brother or sister.I
burst into tears as the reality of that sunk in and bawled like a baby.For the first time in my 16 year career, I
lost my shit on a scene.
Chris put his arms around me and I could tell from the
grim expression on his face that he also understood what it was we were
hearing.He found a place to sit me down
and I proceeded to try to pull myself together.After all, soon the rescuers on the pile
would be getting to the trapped survivors and my services would be needed.
There still seemed to be some issues on who was in charge
and communications had not improved but it really didn’t seem to matter.There was an army of firefighters working on
the pile, working to free those trapped inside.It didn’t seem that anyone had to tell them what to do or how to do
it.They had begun to think and act as
one unit and like a swarm of bees, “hive mind” had taken control over the command structure.I was certain that
soon survivors would be found and the first ones would be taken to the waiting
FDNY ambulances but hopefully, soon after, there would be more patients than
could be handled by Manhattan resources.That is when we would be able to help out, collecting survivors to bring
over to New Jersey.
For now, I could just sit there, once again helpless, and
do nothing but watch.My helplessness
seeped into every molecule of my being.It turned seconds into minutes, minutes into hours and the hours into
endless days that would drag on.That
and I was sure when I finally took my boots off my fee would emerge as two
bloody stumps.
We would move around and then find another place to sit
and watch the work progress on the pile.I recall at one point just standing there and watching the flames lick
from the windows of 7 World Trade Center.While the bees were busy working on the pile, it didn’t seem like they
were fighting the fire in that 47 story sky scraper.I assumed that it had been evacuated and the
manpower and limited water were best served on the rescue effort on the pile.
7 WTC on fire, afternoon of Sept. 11, 2001
As we made our way around, we began to learn other
terminology that was created on the scene.There was a portion of the outer façade of one of the Twin Towers that
stuck up from the pile and remained standing.We called it the “potato chip.”It was not unusual to hear two responders talking and hear one say,
“There, look just to the right of the potato chip, you can see …”I guessed it reminded someone of a Ruffles
potato chip, complete with ridges, sticking up in the dip.
The potato chip
I was never fully made aware of how official our visit
was to Manhattan.Did the FDNY request
our help and presence or were we there freelancing on our own?How far up my own chain of command had the
decision to send us into Lower Manhattan been made?In the following days, I would learn of other
strike teams or task forces like ours put together in New Jersey and officially
requested by the FDNY, but they wouldn’t be requested until much later in the
day.Were we part of this larger network
or plan and decided to jump the gun early, or were the later teams based upon
our idea.I would never learn those
answers.All I knew at that moment,
standing there watching the building burn, was that doing nothing and being
helpless at the pile was worse than being helpless over on the Jersey side.
I don’t actually recall seeing flames within the pile but
the ever rising smoke told us they were there.The center of the pile was smoldering and the firefighters I spoke with
told me that it will burn for months, which it in fact did.Another hard fact settled in with everyone at
the pile.There were people, trapped
alive, within a few hundred yards of hundreds of the best trained rescue
personnel in the world, yet they would die in there in the coming hours and
days because we would not be able to get to them in time.Profound helplessness, so close yet so far.
I shook those thoughts from my head so I’d be ready and
on my game for when we would finally find survivors.We took triangular bandages and tied them
over our faces, covering our nose and mouth.We hoped this would give us a modicum of protection from the dust.
It was sometime mid to late afternoon that we were told
that we would have to move down the street and away from the immediate area of
7 World Trade Center.She was in danger
of collapse and the chief ordered the evacuation of the area.We took up our new position with other
responders and we learned a bit of news.A man had been rescued from a stairwell within the pile, proving to us
there were people still alive in there.The survivor had a broken foot but little else in the way of injury.
We passed the time just watching but now a bit hopeful
that we would find some purpose to our visit to Manhattan today.It was a couple hours after the victim was
found alive in the stairwell that I experienced what was probably the most
terrifying moment in my life. I was just
a few blocks away when 7 World Trade Center completely collapsed to the
ground, along with the the unused Emergency Command Center on the 23rd floor.It was just under half the
height of 1 & 2 World Trade Center but it gave me an insight into the
terror experienced by those near the two 110 story giants when they went
down.Words can’t describe what it was
like and let’s just say that it assaulted all five of my senses with a baseball
Hearing: The roar was deafening and beyond
description.It was probably amplified
as it was channeled down the street between the buildings.
Feeling: The ground shook as it came down.I’m not sure whether it was sound or ground
shake, but a force passed through me that I thought was about to tear me apart
from the inside out.
Sight: I saw the building drop down and out of
sight behind buildings in my foreground.Then I saw the dust cloud coming down the street towards us.Some people ran but many didn’t bother to
resist it.Maybe they realized the
futility from trying to outrun earlier ones.The cloud was coming at us at maybe 40 miles per hour.There was no outrunning it.I thought of my patient Jack earlier and his
broken arm from trying to outrun it.
Smell: We could most definitely smell it as we
were enveloped by the dust cloud.7 WTC
was adding its odor to the odor of 9/11.
Taste: That dust cloud found its way into
everything, including our mouths.To
this day, I can close my eyes and recall how 7 WTC tasted.
Below is a video of the collapse of 7 WTC.The second view of it is closest to what I
saw and experienced.I was a little
closer than this and my viewpoint was maybe 90 degrees to the right of this
We did duck around the corner of a building but we were
soon overcome by the cloud and the darkness was profound.You held your breath as long as you could but
you eventually needed to breathe.It
hurt and every breath you took you feared might be your last.The light started to come back and soon you
were able to make out shapes.
Chris and I noticed that we were both covered in the dust
and had become like other grey figures around us.We were now part of the grey
surroundings.We had survived a collapse
and were officially veterans of the pile.All we needed to do was find survivors and get out of Manhattan.
The collapsed 7 WTC two days later.
It was about dinner time that a hotdog vendor came
around.He had cooked his entire
inventory, loaded it into a truck and brought it down to the area to feed us.There were those poor souls wandering around,
looking for lost loved ones but there were also New Yorkers that just wanted to
help in some way, even if it was just make sure a few of the responders were
fed.I hadn’t eaten in over nine hours
and to be honest, I really didn’t feel much like eating then.However, the lukewarm hotdog hit my tongue
and my body’s instinct took over and I consumed it.A boy, I think it was the hotdog vendor’s
teenage son, gave me a bag of Lays’ potato chips, which I saved in the pocket
of my bunker coat, not knowing when my next meal would be.
As the sun set on the pile, lighting was set up so work
on the pile could continue through the night.I was still waiting for all of those survivors to appear but beginning
to wonder if anyone would emerge from that burning hell on earth alive.This left me alone with my thoughts about who
I knew that laid dead in that pile.I
think we all knew people buried in there, it was just none of us knew who.You would think of someone and wonder if he
was dead or alive.Was he in the pile or
someplace else on the scene or maybe over the river?You had no way of knowing.
One I knew that was dead somewhere in there was my friend
John.He was a volunteer fireman back in
New Jersey but he worked as a civilian for the Port Authority and worked in
Tower 2.I knew he wouldn’t have left
that building as long as there were people who still needed help.I knew he was entombed in the debris.I had watched his murder that morning.I needed something to do or my thoughts would
consume me.
It took me several days to learn who was alive and who
was dead.It turned out that I knew
eleven people buried in that pile, three of whom I was very close to.All eleven death certificates classified
their deaths as a homicide… murder.Work
place murders are a recent phenomenon and when they happen, places of work are
shut down, people are given time to grieve and counselors are brought in.For all of us responders there that day, this
was a work place murder scene of mass proportions.We were given no time off; there were no
counselors.We were given a pile of
At this point in the night, I still didn’t know who had
died or who had survived.I would later
learn that people were equally worried when they couldn’t get a hold of me that
I was dead in the pile.As I wondered
what the pile held, a piece of news began to circulate.There were many victims trapped in the pile
that were still alive and have been on their cell phones to loved ones.Everyone’s spirit brightened with a new sense
of purpose.
The night dragged on and we soon learned that the reports
were false.The likelihood of any more
survivors being found were slim and if they were, there would only be a couple
that Manhattan EMS could handle and the Manhattan hospitals would not be over
run as we had thought.It was getting
late and my radio crackled to life.We
were being called back to the New Jersey side.We walked back to the ambulance and headed to Chelsea Piers to pick up
the doctor and the nurse.
I called the doctor on the way over, he answered his
radio and I told him to meet us where we left him off.When we got there, he opened the door and he
and the nurse got in.You could see the horror
on their faces as they looked at us, caked in dust and dirt as we were.We were no longer recognizable as the people
who had parted their company a few hours earlier.We were not the same people after all we had
been through.Those people they rode
into Manhattan with earlier died on the pile and were replaced by us, the
When we got to the staging area on the New Jersey side,
Captain Steve greeted us but he lost any ability to talk when he saw us.When he finally regain his composure, he
simply said, “Let’s get you washed off.”We were brought over to an engine and a boost line was pulled and
charge.They were careful with the
pressure but they washed us down.After
some clean up duties, Chris and I were released.Chris drove and I sat in the passenger
seat.We arrived back at our building around
2:30 AM, September 12, 2001.I keyed the
mic, “Rescue One Three Three is out of service at quarters.”I went to 133’s white board in the bay and
erased the ”WTC Staging.”
There is a rule that all
firefighters and EMS personnel follow.You must put your unit back into its original, ready to respond, condition
before you leave.It took Chris and me
almost 90 minutes to go through it all, checking and restocking.We also learned that we were required to be
back at the station at noon for debriefing and possible further assignment to
Manhattan.That was about eight hours
away.I went out and got into my car,
exhausted.I had been on duty 19 ½ hours straight.I had 8 hours to pull my life together, get
some sleep and return to duty.There’d
be no grief counselors in my near future.
When I arrived home, there was a car in my driveway.Sarah was there and I wasn’t surprised, since
she had a key.I scared her when I came
in but she was happy to see me.She ran
up to hug me and I yelled at her, “DON’T TOUCH ME!”
I wasn’t sure why I reacted so violently.I apologized to Sarah and explained that I
might be contaminated.Since no one knew
if I was even alive, Sarah came to my house to stay with my animals.I thanked her profusely for doing that and
she offered to stay for a while.I took
her up on the offer since I didn’t know how much I’d be home in the coming
I went to the bathroom to begin the process of becoming human
again.I understood the historical
significance of what I had just been through so I took off my tee shirt and I
double bagged it in Ziploc bags with papers on both side saying, “Worn by Sue
at the WTC, Sept. 11, 2001.”I preserved
it complete with my sweat and the grime of the pile embedded in it.You could barely read the municipality and
EMS system on the breast in white against the navy blue material.Reading the “EMS RESCUE” in big letters on
the back was a bit easier.All of my
other clothes went into a garbage bag.I
didn’t want them anymore.
I got in the shower and began shampooing and washing myself to get all
of the dirt off.I did this several
times and I couldn’t stop.I still
smelled of 9/11; I reeked of it and I just couldn’t get it off me.I just couldn’t get clean and I thought that
I’d never be clean again.I knew how
crazy that thought was standing there in the shower but I still couldn’t help
it.I thought back to my reaction to
Sarah trying to hug me.I didn’t want to
tarnish her with the smell of 9/11 that she could never wash off.I had this horrible thing inside of me and I
had to keep people safe from it.If I
infected them with 9/11 they would be ruined forever.
I got out of the shower and ready to grab a few hours’ sleep.I blew my nose and noticed that my snots were
muddy with the dirt of the pile all mixed in with them.Part of that pile was inside of me and would
remain a part of me forever.
I climbed into bed exhausted, yet I knew I would not sleep much, if at
all.I closed my eyes in my dark room
and all I could hear was, “Manhattan to Field Com…Manhattan Field Com K.”There was no answer there in bed like there
wasn’t the previous morning.I closed my
eyes and all I could see was Mary, staring back at me, or should I say through
I would work long hours for the next two days but I have not set foot
on the Island of Manhattan since September 11, 2001.When I left work Thursday night, I was ordered to take a one week
I would learn soon enough who lived and who perished.There were surprises both ways, including my
volunteer firefighter friend who worked in Tower 2 and I was sure had died.He had family business that day and was home
safe in New Jersey while I sat there and mourned him.In the end, I lost 11 people I knew; three of
them were close and dear to me.I
witnessed their murder.
The hardest one was Eric.Ten
years earlier in 1991, Eric was my partner and we both received Citations of
Valor, which I had mentioned in my opening.Ten years after receiving our medals, I was at his funeral, holding his
weeping widow as his kids stared on.
In the weeks and months following 9/11, I attended many funerals, some
without bodies.If you have never
witnessed a funeral for a fallen firefighter, it is something to see.I can think of no more moving a ritual.Right now, I’m going to take a fictitious
firefighter, Frank Davis, and a fictitious unit, Engine 79 of the Mapletown
Fire Department, and I'm going to walk you through what happens.There are many variations but this one I’ll
do here could be considered typical.
The flag draped casket is brought out of the funeral home and placed
up on a hose-bed of a fire truck.The
road is completely closed as all sorts of fire and EMS apparatus from all over
line up for the procession.Some trucks
and ambulances have their light-bars wrapped or draped in black cloth.One truck that is NOT there is Engine 79.
The procession takes the fallen firefighter to his station house.When we get there, we see funeral bunting
draped over the bay doors of the building.Engine 79 is pulled out onto the apron and Frank’s bunker gear, his
boots, his helmet and his coat, are lovingly placed on the bumper of the
truck.The truck carrying the casket
stops in the road, in front of the station house.Engine 79 will have the dispatch frequency
patched through its PA system and a few of the units in line will too.Most every radio is tuned into Mapletown
Every station house has their own set of tones that are broadcast
before they are dispatched.When the
dispatcher is informed the procession is in place, he plays those tones like he
is dispatching Engine 79.Here is how
the dispatcher continues.
“Mapletown Dispatch to Firefighter
[A few moments of silence.]
“Mapletown Dispatch to Firefighter
[A few more moments of silence.]
“Mapletown Dispatch to Firefighter
[A few more moments of silence.]
“Mapletown Dispatch to all units.Firefighter Davis has been called but does not answer. This is the final call for Firefighter Frank
Davis.Brother, you have answered your
last call; your mission is over; your duty has ended; your work has been
completed.God has you in his keeping
and may you rest in peace.Firefighter
Frank Davis, your dutiship is 10-7.We
got it from here, brother.
“Mapletown Dispatch to all units.Be advised that Firefighter Frank Davis has
now become a guardian to watch out for all emergency responders.
“Mapletown Dispatch, NT7-366, 13:02
The funeral procession then starts to move again, taking Firefighter
Davis to the cemetery and his final resting place.There is almost always a bagpiper at the
The nightmares started right after 9/11 and continue to this day.Most nights I see Mary looking through me
before I finally fall asleep.I often
hear “Manhattan to Field Com.” endlessly with no answer.In one variation of my nightmare, I’m at
Field Com and I hear the dispatcher calling.I’m on the radio screaming back, “This is Field Com, go ahead
Manhattan.”He continues to call and I
realize he can’t hear me.Then I realize
why.I’m dead and I’m a ghost.All I can do is listen on helplessly.Not all of my nightmares deal with 9/11 but
mostly all seem to be a variation on the theme of being helpless.
I don’t recall the exact date but it was late November or early
December and Toys R Us was doing a publicity event for a new line of toys
called “Rescue Heroes.” It was a thinly veiled
attempt to capitalize on the publicity blitz that emergency service responders
were receiving in the aftermath of 9/11.Invitations were sent out to many of the local Fire Departments, EMS,
etc. for this event.While the invitation
didn’t require service on 9/11 or at the World Trade Center, it was sort of
implied that that was what they were looking for so they could be honored for
their service.I was assigned the task
to represent the department at the local Toys R Us.
The Saturday of the event arrived and I was one of about 20 first
responders that showed up.There were
maybe 50 kids along with their parents participating.Some would go home with Rescue Heroes prizes
but what the kids were supposed to do was make a thank you card and give it to
one of the responders, thanking them for their service.The kids and parents were not definitively
told that we were all 9/11 responders, however the implication was that we were and to
be thanked as such.Of the 20 or so
responders present I was the only EMS person.The rest were all firefighters.
The kids made their cards and then were told to go up to one of the
responders.They were to present them
with the card they made and thank them for keeping us all safe.The kids all ran to one of the responders and
most of the firefighters had two or even three kids vying for their attention.Only one kid came up to me and thanked me for
being a “fireman.”I corrected the kid
and told him I was a paramedic.When he
learned I wasn’t a firefighter, he snatched his card back and ran over to a
real fireman and gave it to him.
I know what I’m about to say makes no sense and I know that I can’t be
offended by what a seven year old does but it struck something in me that set
off my blossoming PTSD.A part of me
couldn’t help but interpret that action by the child as, “You were helpless and
didn’t do anything.Why should I thank
you for that?”None of the kids gave me
a card so I got up and quietly walked out, carrying the plaque that Toys R Us
had awarded me for being a real life “Rescue Hero.”
My plaque presented to me by Toys R Us. It reads: We salute the daily service you provide our community. We applaud your courage, dedication and commitment. We thank you for being one of our Community Rescue Heroes."
I told you earlier that I was not a fan of irony.Well, here is another dose.Before the event started, the manager called
us all together and she seemed so proud of all the true 9/11 heroes she had
from the World Trade Center.She asked
for a show of hands of how many of us were there that day or had been to Ground
Zero since.Mine was the only hand to go
up and the manager was astonished.Of
their 9/11 “Rescue Heroes” I was the only one that had actually participated in
the events of 9/11.And the irony…The kids thanked all the others a couple of
times for their service on 9/11 and gave them a thank you cards.I, the only to participate in that response, didn’t
get a single card.
It was sometime around Christmas that I was told that 21 of us from
our station would be receiving a special citation for our actions and efforts
during 9/11 and the recovery effort that followed.There must have been some mistake.I didn’t do anything deserving of a medal.I inquired with the Captain if maybe there
was an error made.There wasn’t and the
medal ceremony would be in February.
I don’t really recall the ceremony at all.I think I had begun the process of
disassociation that comes with PTSD.I
was on some sort of autopilot and my mind was someplace else, hiding from all
of this.The citation stated something
like “For exemplary service above and beyond the call of duty.”I did no such thing.I did my job.
My citation bar for my 9/11 Citation. Note, it is placed on a pencil to hold it up on the pins for the photo.
I had been wrestling internally with the helplessness I felt that day
and sitting there doing nothing while all of those people died under the pile,
a few of whom I knew.Giving me a medal
for being helpless was the beginning of the end for me.I became despondent.
One day, while still on duty at the station house, I got a visit from
an old retired Chief I was fond of.We
were on a first name bases and he became something of a father figure to me
after my own dad had passed away.
“What brings you here, George?”
“You do, Sue.”I looked at him
rather puzzled and he continued.“I was
at your medal ceremony the other day and I could tell you weren’t yourself.”
He pulled me into an office and produced a flask of booze from his
pocket.He offered it to me and when I
refused, he reminded me that his chief trumped my lieutenant and he outranked
me.After I took a couple of swigs, he
took one too and got to the point.He
wanted to know what was wrong.I started
telling him about being helpless and not deserving a medal and he stopped me
“Oh, I get that, Sue, but you do not understand what is happening.”
“You talk like that medal was for you, like it is your medal.It is not!It belongs to the people of this community and it is for them.”
He took another sip from the flask before handing it back to me.His demeanor softened as he continued.“I get it Sue, honestly I do but you need to
understand that your medal is not an honor but a duty you carry and I thank you
for that.”
Here was a man who was one of the most decorated firefighters I have
ever known.Furthermore, he had earned a
Purple Heart and a Navy Cross during World War II.He might just know what he was talking about.
He continued, “The people of this community need you to wear that
medal.They need to have faith that
there are people willing to go to the line for them.They need heroes to believe in and not just
national ones.They need local ones so
they can feel safe and go on with their lives.These people have been terrorized; many lost loved ones.They need a hero to believe in, Sue.Whether you think you deserve it is
immaterial.They need a hero so they can
feel safe and go about their lives.It
is another sacrifice you make for them.”
At least I could stomach wearing the medal after that but it didn’t
stop my spiral out of control.By the
spring I was no longer stable and had become suicidal.My Captain intervened and activated Genesis for me.He pulled strings to make sure I got the time
off I needed and I was in the hands of not only professionals but those that
specialized in first responders.I was
very lucky to have had people like him looking out for me.So many responders like me were not so lucky
and have taken their own lives since 9/11.I was one of the few that got that low yet made it back to the job.I was back at work by the fall of 2002 and I
retired with an exemplary record in 2005 having put in a full 20 years.
I should probably say a word about the Survivors’ Guilt.This was part of my initial diagnosis with
the PTSD.Of those of us who initially responded
that morning to Box 8087, they say one in twelve of us didn’t come home.It is hard to describe if you have never been
through it.I’ll just say this about
it.It’s not easy facing Eric’s widow
and kids when I came home and he didn’t.It adds a whole new dimension to it that I don’t even know how to begin
to talk about.
I know what everyone tells me. They say that it is not my fault and I should
be happy I was spared.I understand that
logically but what my logical brain tells me and what I feel in my heart are
two different things.Now, I’m not too
sure I can say that I was spared.Quite
a few illnesses and cancers are now related to those of us who worked the
pile.They say by the end of this year
that the number of victims to die of 9/11 related illnesses will exceed the
number of people who died that day at the scene.Every time I cough or feel a pain, I get
scared and wonder if this is it, the beginning of my own demise.There are some that feel we should add these
deaths to the final death toll for 9/11.I may be dead in five years and my death may be tallied as a victim of
the 9/11 attacks.Maybe I was killed
when those towers fell; I just haven’t succumbed yet.
Wrap up some loose ends...
I'm not 100% sure what happened to the woman trapped in the fire truck screaming on the radio. A few years later I was told of a man that had been trapped in an engine under the rubble and frantically radioed for help. He was eventually rescued and this was probably him. One other unit on the radio referred to the trapped victim as "her" but listening to the tapes recently, I think it could have been a man. I'll assume they are the same person and they didn't not die as I had believed for years. There was never a third inbound plane to the World Trade Center. This was an error in communication. There was no Anthrax or other biological agents on the planes and the source of that rumor remains unclear to me. Likewise there were not 32 unaccounted for aircraft. All aircraft would eventually be accounted for but I don't recall any official notification of this. I found the Lay's potato chips I put in my bunker coat pocket about two weeks later, coming back from the hospital after a bad motor vehicle accident scene. They made a welcome snack on the way home.
Ask Me Questions
I don’t want the comments of this blog to become a discussion or a
question and answer session but please, if
you have questions about anything related to 9/11 or I've written about here, feel free to ask me in
person, in world.I feel that after
17 years of silence that I can finally talk about it.I welcome it.
Please don’t call me a “hero,” though.I can’t see myself as one and there is still that part of me that
wrestles with the helplessness of that day.Much like getting the citation sent me spiraling into my deep
depression, calling me a “hero” triggers things within me that are not
good.I was just doing my job that day.
In wrapping this up, I’m going to quote Chief Ray Downey.You remember him, the guy that taught me
about building collapse who ironically died when the North Tower fell.It was something that he used to remind us
“Sometimes in this job, goodbye is really goodbye.”
Chief Ray Downey, FDNY (1937-2001)
Sidewalk graffiti at a nearby park in the days following 9/11. It reads: Living Angels Transit Police NYPD Fire Dept. EMS